Obtaining Specific, New, and High Impact Commitments from Coalition and Industry Partners (TA Coalition, 2022):

This memo provides guidance from securing key commitments for long-lasting economic development from university, industry, political leadership, and philanthropic institutions. If your Phase 1 application listed a research university, academic medical center, ports, bases, national labs, elected officials, national philanthropies, and/or any other high-leverage partner, we strongly encourage you to read this memo and engage our TA Coalition via the brief form linked in the document.

Securing Commitments from Political Leadership Institutions (TA Coalition, 2022):

This memo contains a mapping of both state, local, and federal actors and funding opportunities. The content will help finalist teams engage political actors — and leverage your partners and coalition members — with specific asks, such as funding or introductions to other hard-to-reach philanthropies, corporations, or other actors. 

NEW Securing Commitments from Industry Institutions (TA Coalition, 2022):

This memo on securing industry commitments provides a general mapping of key industry organizations, including labor organizations, and offers general insights, strategies for engagement, and sample commitments. 

NEW Securing Commitments from Philanthropic Institutions (TA Coalition, 2022):

This memo on philanthropic commitments provides key context and strategies in securing philanthropic commitments, including examples and outlines.

Presidential Innovation Fellows – Model for State and City Government (Wired Magazine, 2017):

This narrative article provides a background on the establishment of the Presidential Innovation Fellow program, which can serve as a model for State and Local governments looking to adopt a similar program.