The Educator Voice Fellowship 

The Educator Voice Fellowship selects, mobilizes, supports, and showcases – in a word, accelerates – outstanding teachers and principals to become effective change agents that wield strong influence in shaping education policies. The Fellowship brings together some of the nation’s best educators, provides them with a network of peer leaders and deep skills training, and connects them to opportunities to leverage their expertise at the local, state, and national level.

Visit project website. 


The Global Learning Network

Schools and districts that have taken the OECD Test for Schools are invited to join the Global Learning Network. As members of the GLN, personnel from these schools and districts come together to share experiences and engage in peer learning to better understand their results in order to identify areas for improvement and develop school- and district-level improvement strategies based on knowledge of national and international best practices. Formally launched in 2014, the Global Learning Network now boasts a membership of 800 schools globally, each of which has participated in the OECD Test for Schools.

Visit project website. 


Supporting Parental Involvement

We are on a mission to inspire American parents to expect more for their children’s education. We will do this by:

  • Educating parents to recognize high standards for academic and character development.
  • Empowering parents to raise the bar for their own children and take action in their homes, schools, and communities.
  • Activating a community of vocal parents who, through their stories, will inspire educators, policymakers, and other parents to support rigorous standards and improve education for all children.

Visit project website.


Advancing Learner Agency

GripTape seeks to ignite a youth-led national movement to give youth ownership over their learning and development by:

  • Designing a research-based framework for learner agency.
  • Collaborating directly with youth, youth-focused organizations, policy makers and researchers and convening a community of practice.
  • Amassing and sharing knowledge, data and resources on learner agency.
  • Amplifying effective research-based models that can be widely adopted and replicated.
  • Collectively, we aim to increase opportunities for agency for 1 million youth over the next 10 years.

Visit project website.


Over the past few years, America Achieves has been developing communities of core constituents and has launched four distinct programs customized to support the specific needs of each of our communities of excellence – teachers and principals, district and school administrators, parents and youth themselves – in supporting teachers, parents, youth and leaders to raise the bar in education and drive success for all America’s young people.